About the Author

Katie Bailey is a bestselling author who loves to write books to make you laugh, cry and laugh until you cry again. She’s a huge fan of forced proximity and getting her characters into embarrassingly awkward situations (that may or may not be based on real life) for her readers’ enjoyment. All of Katie’s stories are closed door romances, but that doesn’t mean they don’t bring all of the sizzle and sparks. Katie might have flunked science in high school, but she considers herself to be a chemistry expert when it comes to writing heartwarming romance.

When she’s not busy writing swoony love stories and laughing at her own dumb jokes (like the one above), Katie spends her time chasing littles, cursing the cold Canadian winters she endures each year, chugging coffee by the bucketload, and crushing on her husband, who’s the inspiration behind all of the book boyfriends she’s written.